Become a member
Get access to everything we offer at a better price
5 Sessions/month
Access to $115/session pricing
Workout app (daily check-ins)
Personally designed workout
24hr response time for messages
1-on-1 exercise classes
Ergonomic evaluations
Level One Membership
2 Sessions/month
Access to $125/session pricing
Workout app (weekly check-ins)
Personally designed workout
24hr response time for messages
1-on-1 exercise classes
Ergonomic evaluations
Level Two Membership
2 Full Body Evaluations/year (can be done virtually)
Access to $145/session pricing
Workout app (weekly check-ins)
Personally designed workout
24hr response time for messages
Level Three Membership
Membership Stipulations
To purchase a membership, you must have first completed an initial evaluation. You can get started by booking a consultation here.
Cancel anytime through form submission here.
Unused sessions do not rollover.
All payments are non-refundable.
Need to cancel?
We’re sad to see you go, but we wish the best for you and your health going forward. Please click this button and fill out the form to proceed with cancelling your membership.